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GE HealthCare Ultrasound

Efficient customer lead collection​

Inside the Voluson Club Lounge, customers were instructed to tap their wristbands, thus showing interest in the displayed ultrasound machines.

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IP Jungle Camp

Live game scoring

Guests discovered gaming stations throughout the venue, where active participation was rewarded and digitally recorded via NFC Wristbands.

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IP Summer Party

Measuring activity with real-time data

With a mission to enhance a fabulous evening of gamification, our wristbands effortlessly combined style with technology.

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Jane Goodall Institute

Inspiring for a good cause

Encouragement and motivation are mutual forces. Our primary mission is to create products that inspire our customers and their audiences.

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Salzburg Summit

Digital access to multiple event locations

By integrating NFC technology we streamlined the registration and check-in processes, minimizing wait times and enhancing security.

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Female Future Festival

Highlighting the central festival message

With the intention to offer a product that makes event guests feel special, we created a product with a personable, feminine and timeless character.

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